So I'm sitting in a room working on thank you notes surrounded by my husband and fur-babies while listening to my first load of baby laundry and all the snaps clicking in the dryer. I love it.
I'm sure this is probably becoming one of the most boring blogs on, but honestly, I'm relishing it. It's just nice to know things are winding down. All I have to do is grow a baby and enjoy life right now, and it's so much easier to do without the black cloud of infertility hanging over my head. Infertility is so consuming and fills so much of your plate, that it's hard to hold it together when you try to balance it with even the little things.
I feel quite peaceful. I mean stupid life stuff happens all the time. For instance, my insurance rejected my RhoGHAM shot, because they think it might be cheaper to treat an infant with hemolytic anemia down the road? Or that while I was flossing, my tooth broke. so I'm in the 'my dentist office talking to my OB's office purgatory'. It just all seems like small potatoes. Even now as I have final presentations and assignments looming, I'm not stressing like I probably should be, because they aren't the most important things in my life at the moment.
Pico seems to be getting so strong. My fundus may not quite be to my ribs, but my little lamb can sure stretch out and reach under them. I still LOVE feeling this baby move, squirm, stretch, and kick. It's seriously some of the best moments I have had in my life.
I had a wonderful shower this past weekend and was just overwhelmed with the generosity. My in-laws also hung the chair rail in Pico's nursery. It's all starting to come together. I think I'm waiting on one more piece of furniture, changing out the outlets, and hanging a few things on the wall to finish the nursery. I think I have enough supplies to get through the first couple of days at home with a newborn. It won't be totally finished until we find out if Pico is a he or a she. I can't believe we'll be finding out around 10 weeks from now!!!
I hope everyone has had a wonderful Thanksgiving and is enjoying all the Holiday festivities looming over our heads. I am looking forward to spending more time with my family while they still acknowledge my presence...I'm sure I'm going to go to the bottom of the priority list when Pico joins us on the outside, and I am just fine with that. My whole family has waited so long! In the meantime there is always trying to keep Lucifer from killing himself on Christmas ribbons and bows, Emma from opening packages, and Gaius out of the tree. Christmas is a blast here at the Robert's!
Anywhoslebees, at 30.5 I am...
...refraining from weighing myself after 2 Thanksgiving meals and a baby shower...It feels like I've gained about 30 lbs since last week, lol
...craving, we need to ask BJ...He tells me what I'm craving, like Little Debbie Christmas Tree Cakes (that was never really a thing for my brother and I...we're Swiss Cake Roll kind of kids), and I am like 'I am?' and then suddently we have Little Debbie Christmas Tree Cakes in our shopping cart...very strange...
...averse to cooking. I despise it more than usual. Not that it makes me sick, but I have a million other things that are way more important than cooking, and cereal has plenty of vitamins in it and milk has protein, so there. Cereal for life!!!
...In love with Pico moving around when BJ talks to him/her. It's so much fun to experience. Ze kicked so much and so hard that BJ started calling Pico "Pele". I'm just so in love with this little life and enjoying being able to incubate Pico for a couple more months!
Peace, Love, and Boring is the new pink,
Mary Katherine