Just the other day, I left Matt with BJ to run an errand. As I pulled into our driveway I noticed that third window in our house that stayed shut for the better part of 5 years was open. There are stripes painted on the wall, and that once blank, empty room is full of love, books and toys for my little boy. It brought tears to my eyes once again. Even when I thought I was getting used to this whole parenting thing, little things make me catch my breath and just grin like an idiot. It's finally us!
*Sigh* We are just soooo in love with Matt. OK...back to it...
I tried a postpartum yoga class...otherwise known as 'Pay 10 dollars to breastfeed in front of people.' The class is scheduled during his morning siesta, so I thought 'perfect!' So I get in, and Matt is all cuddly and cute, and then another person shows up and Matt starts crying. So we are supposed to start the class with a seated meditation, and I'm all busy bouncing, shushing, and walking Matt. Basically, Matt is no more cooperative during yoga than he was at my last attempt the week before I had him. I had literally just fed him within the hour of starting this class, so I was like ok fine...I'll just breastfeed him quickly to remind him he's full. This place is a yoga studio...it can't get much more granola... So he eats...like a pig..slurp, guzzle, slurp, snort...He really knows how to put it on. The yoga instructor was like "Wow, he's really hungry." Seriously, kid...you do eat...I promise you eat plenty! So this went, on...and on...and on...and finally he started to act a little satiated...Meanswhile the other participants with their 5 month old boys were just having a swell time. Baby coos, giggles, smiles and lots of yoga poses...FINALLY, I try to rejoin the posing, and Matt cranks up again...so I'm just bouncing and trying to soothe him....I finally laid on the floor to do a pose against the wall and he settled. Another mom looked at me and said, "It seems like all he [her sweetly smiling cherub] did was cry for the first 3 months." *SIGH* Our instructor asked us to change poses, but looked at me and said..."You can just stay there." OK...So basically for 10 dollars, you can breastfeed in front of strangers between your baby's tantrums and lay down with your child on your chest while you pat his back with your legs propped up against a wall...Namaste, in bed next week, thank you.
On the breastfeeding front...by day 8 or 9 of diflucan...I'm like 50% better. I don't cry when Matt is latching 100% of the time, now, so I'm proud of myself for that. However, Matt hates breastfeeding between the hours of 5pm and 10pm. He'll be hungry, I think, root, and scream at me when I offer to feed him. No clue...maybe an oversupply thing now? He seriously looks at me like I'm an imbecile and I'm like 'I have no clue, Matt."...and he's all like, "Who let you have children"...and I'm like 'I'm sorry"...and he's just saying "Don't be sorry, just fix it!" and I'm like "What?! Fix what!" and then I try a breast shield and he finally settles in and flips me off while he's eating...I may be projecting, somewhat. So anyway, breastshields have been unretired, unfortunately...But we're hanging in!!!
Matt is doing great. He's nearly doubled his weight at 11 lbs. 7 oz., but is remaining in the 25th percentile for height and weight, so that's perfect. His egg head is between the 25th and 50th. He smiles at us frequently, but you probably wouldn't know because as soon as we take him out or try to show him off he's back to Mr. Solemn face. He is very chatty in the mornings. It's hard to get anything done because he has to tell me about everything, but I have no clue what he's talking about. I just nod and agree...hopefully I've not agreed to anything too devious.
He survived his first round of vaccines. He was a champ. I am so happy for him to be vaccinated as I am a big believer. We want all of the vaccines!! I held his hand and talked to him, but BJ had to look away. I did cry a little bit, however, but not so much for Matt. I saw his little face...the pain, the fear, and I just thought 'how on earth could anyone purposefully hurt a child?' It absolutely broke my heart. So with a few snuggles (more for me) and some milk, Matt pretty quickly recuperated. He slept most of the day, but it was well-deserved for being such a trooper. We've got a couple months before we have to do that again.
We went home from our appointment, and I studiously read the paperwork our pediatrician gave us and was horrified. Basically Matt is supposed to be sleeping through the night in his own room and filling out job applications during the day or something. In small print, it did say "breastfed babies may not be sleeping through the night at this point, but should not wake up more than once." Well, HELL's bells...First...define night...is night when he goes to bed...or when I go to bed... I mean we are down to 2, because 5:00 am is definitely still night for me! And I could feed Matt at 10:00 pm or 1:30 am and he'd still wake up during the 2:00 o'clock hour. And then it said to stop swaddling him and begin weaning him from his pacifier....Honestly...he just started using the damn thing...But really, other than the eating, sleeping, and applying to college, he's doing great with his other milestones. This is when I decided, the kid is growing, smiling, and thriving...We are going to do it "our" way. I don't care what your literature says, anymore...So Matt is doing great. He's meeting to a little ahead on all his motor skills, and we are very close to a giggle...so there!
We took a little road trip to show Mr. Matt off to the Chattanooga office where our beloved embryologist Susan works. I was so excited for her and the rest of the Chatt-town gang to see Matt in person. A lot of love, sweat, prayers and tears went into making this kid. As Susan, herself, said, she picked a good one. We just enjoyed all the gushing and love sent our way. They really know how to make you feel special. As much as I am thankful that I don't have to frequent the office regularly, I already miss seeing them.
The onesie says "My first babysitter was an embryologist." And, oh, how we love her!!!! |
We have more big adventures awaiting Matt this weekend. We're gonna chase the devil outta Matt. My father has graciously spearheaded having little James Matthew Roberts christened at our home church on Easter Sunday. That's kinda a big deal to us Whiskypalians. The Godparents are flying/driving in. Little Matt gets to meet his namesake for the first time, as well...Big Matt! So, there might be picture overload if you follow BJ or I on Facebook. My apologies, now.
Peace, Love, and Creating our Own Journey,
Mary Katherine & Matt
Matt Facts:
Weight: 11 lbs 7 oz +
Height: 22.25 inches
Clothing size: 0-3 months with a couple newborn onesies still circulating.
Sleeps: 3.5 to 4 hours at one time during the night.
Fave food: Mama's milk
Fave comfort item: Wubba-nub
Fave toy: Carl the horse
Possible occupational goal: Attorney. He HATES traffic lights like his grandfather, and also according to his attorney grandfather enjoys watching cars wrecks on YouTube...*sigh* So I have a future ambulance chaser on my hands, apparently.