Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Happy Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy 11 mos...

Yes, I'm so incredibly late with this post, but I don't regret it.  I spent most of 2 weeks w/out using technology and it was glorious!!!

Matt sleeping on Uncle Chris.
Matthew, my little man is shedding the last of his infanthood quickly.  He turns 1 in a week!!!! But his 12th month has been full of fun. He's gone from shuffling with encouragement between two parents to walking 50% of the time.  It's adorable.  Well, he looks inebriated... He has his arms over his head half of the time and gets stuck on one foot until he can get his center of gravity under control...I'm loving every single second of it!!!

He's still a totally cute little goober.  His communication skills are just exploding.  I have full conversations with him, I just don't know what language he's speaking to me in.  He just babbles away, changes his inflection and tone, nods his head enthusiastically and looks at me like I'm an idiot if I don't respond.  So much for boys not talking.  He's up to about 6 words...Mama, Dada, Meow, Muh-muh, Pa-pa, and his all-time favorite- Uh-OH.  Uh-oh means mischief is about to be made, by the way, not that a mistake happened.  This is probably a good thing because at least he tells on himself, but I'm not sure I like where the smirk and gleam in his eye as he intentionally 'uh-uh-uh-ohs' is going.

Our Christmas was great.  We got to spend some time with both sides of the family.  Matt was mostly underwhelmed, but was a good sport.  I thought he'd be more into the tearing of paper, and boxes, but mostly he just wanted to play with his old toys.  He'll get it one day...

He did get his first ear infection, but handled it like a champ, really. He's been sick every month and for every major holiday since September.  He seems to handle it pretty well, but has a hard time at night.  I will say he's an excellent sport at taking medicine.

I honestly can't believe he's not a baby.  I wanted a baby for sooo long! I had one, and now I don't! He's got some shimmers of two-ness coming through.  He started having tantrums in which he lays down and beats his head on the floor.  You know...that's my reaction when there is a wall where I want there to be a door, too.  But really? Where do they even learn that? BJ and I are full of character flaws, but neither one of us lays down and beats our head on the floor when we are angry or frustrated...and honestly, it's so hard to not laugh...I'm the worst mother...

Mommy's little monster!!
11 month Matt Stats

Weight: 17 lbs 8oz
Height:  2 foot something
Teeth:  5!!! I'm not sure what pattern they are coming in, but we have some.  We're also pretty sure we need to start saving for braces, immediately...
Favorite Toy:  Sit to Stand Walker
Favorite Food:  Macaroni & Cheese...the only thing I've seen him eat where he actually cared if it got in his mouth!
Favorite Comfort Item: Himself!
Word of the Month: Uh-oh!
Favorite Activity:  Growling...which I'm pretty sure he learned from my parent's golden doodle...Thanks, Marvin...
Least Favorite Activity:  Putting on clothes and having diaper changed.  This is a huge waste of time according to Matt.  Nobody needs that...
New Tricks:  Drunk walking, taking arms out of sleeves (which is no big deal in a t-shirt, but when you're in a onesie, it can be problematic), taking shoes and socks off,  mimicking elevator dings and random electronic equipment chirps.
Future Career: Sound-effects artist who lives in our basement well into his 40s. 

Peace, Love & Grrrrr!

Mary Katherine & Matt

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